These days, everyone is busy and there is so much to do, it can seem like you never have enough people to get the work done. We can supplement your current staff with experienced contractors at attractive pricing. Our personnel know your business and can get up to speed quickly.
Experienced Project Management personnel - Our project managers have worked in the life sciences industry (pharma, biotech or med device) in Marketing Operations/Promotional Management departments. Many have years of experience facilitating PRC review and managing large volumes of promotional pieces.
Mentor personnel with NuEra’s Trusted Advisor Program - NuEra offers a mentoring program which provides one on one access to seasoned Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who can serve in an advisory capacity to Managers, staff and even Director level individuals. Subject Matter areas include promotion management, team management, strategic advice, and organizational size and structure--just to name a few.
Submit 2253 filings on your behalf - NuEra utilizes an all electronic process for 2253 submissions with a 48 hour turnaround. If you are a review 'system' (such as Vault), we can assist with submissions through the eCTD gateway. Let us take that work off your plate so you can focus on other critical issues.
Fill openings on Promotional Review Committees - Many times, the individuals on these committees are trying to do the review in addition to all their other work and priorities can falter. We can help you fill gaps in your committees with experienced Regulatory, Medical and Copy Editing professionals. We ask you to provide the product training and our folks do the rest. They work quickly, efficiently...often remotely...and will make your pieces their priority!